Kim Koch

The Bone Architect

Heal chronic pain so that you can live a pain-free life

Altered posture/Spinal Alignment is the basis for every chronic disease. If the spine becomes twisted, slumped and falling forward in its positioning or ability to move freely, the information to and from the Vagus nerve becomes interrupted this then increases your risk of disease. Here are a few of the most common conditions I have helped people with:



Bone Spurs

Degenerative Joints



Herniated Discs

Low Back Pain


Neck Pain



I support people who are in bodily pain, to get out of pain and feel great in their body and to look and feel younger.

I am an intuitive channel trained in moving energy. I gently shift both the energetic and physical skeleton of people who are experiencing chronic pain due to altered spinal alignment. Through deep listening I am able to meet people exactly where they are with no preconceived notions, which allows me to get out of the way so healing can flow through me to you.

By shifting the energy around the emotions of the current injury and pain while simultaneously aligning the bones that have been held stuck in a compensation pattern, function will begin to be restored, which allows your body to begin healing.

When your spine and emotions start unwinding and move towards alignment, this allows the nervous system to do its work of healing the body. With your spine in proper alignment, it is able to channel energy and breath efficiently which then improves your ability to rejuvenate yourself and live many years beyond what you believe possible.

Restore your Divine blueprint and experience vitality now!

Align.  Restore.  Attune.

“Kim Koch is one of the best body healers I have ever worked with.”


– Ina Lukas, Co-Founder, Kairos Healers Academy

“Her knowledge and wisdom of how to correct posture, physical pain, and structural issues comes from decades of study and hands on experience. I’ve worked with her both in person and in virtual sessions for four years.

She fully healed the scoliosis in my spine, completely changed my posture from curved forward shoulders to fully back and upright, giving me a natural boob lift (a side benefit to her work).

I have witnessed the results of her virtual healing sessions not just myself, but in so many other people. All through virtual sessions she has helped my dad recover from a severe hemorrhagic stroke and regain mobility, along with cognitive function. She helped quickly heal my son’s twisted ankle and structural issues from a motorcycle accident while in Costa Rica. She helped my daughter heal a twisted ankle while backpacking 15 miles out in the mountains, so the pain and inflammation disappeared immediately.

She has worked virtually on me while I was traveling multiple times – healing headaches and nausea from my back getting out of alignment and a wrist injury. She can actually move your bones and correct your posture through working virtually – over the phone with you. She can see exactly what bones are out of place and where the root cause is occurring. She can bring you relief from pain in a matter of 15 minutes.

I’ve watched people’s posture change and pain go away without her placing a hand on them, through distance healing. I’ve watched her heal structural and physical issues in animals just as easily as humans. I could tell you story after story of all the times that she’s corrected my posture of somebody else’s virtually, and I’m still amazed at how easily and effortlessly she can see what’s going on in your body and correct it (I lovingly call her a human X-ray machine).

She truly is a bone architect. I don’t know what I’d do without her, and I can’t recommend her work highly enough if you’ve been suffering from any physical pain and are in need of structural healing.”

– Ina Lukas, Co-Founder, Kairos Healer Academy

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ABC and how does it work?

Advanced BioStructural Correction (ABC ™ ) is a full body, alignment correction method. ABC focuses on detecting and correcting misalignments that the body cannot self-correct as there is no muscle (or combination of muscles) that can pull in the direction needed. When this occurs our body “twists” or uses other muscles pulling in other directions to compensate. Learn more HERE.

What are you doing during the session?

During the session I will be creating the container where I get myself out of the way so healing energy can flow through me to you. I’m going to open myself up to listen, to see and to feel what you share with me. Then I will call in my divine team, guides and angels to assist in the healing. I let the energy move through me to see, heal, and hold whatever is most needed in you at that time. I’m going to check back with you to see how you feel and then I will share with you whatever downloads I received for you. When you do a healing session with me, we both learn from the experience.

What results can I expect from my first session?

Most of my clients experience pain relief, alongside improved breathing, circulation, mobility, balance, symmetry, coordination, embodiment, and grounding. Because, as we correct misalignments your body literally starts to “untwist” so that your body stays upright without effort, naturally. A body that stays upright without effort is more stable, which is necessary in order for your body to be pain free.

What am I likely to experience during a session with you?

Every session is unique; it is never the same for you as it is with the person I will work with after you or before you. Almost everyone notices that their bodies are more upright without effort and have greater lung capacity. Many claim that they feel more embodied, grounded, lighter and have greater mental clarity. Some people feel their bodies being adjusted, have visions or receive guidance from their non physical beings.

Will one session be enough?

No, one session will not be enough. Twenty is the minimum number of treatments I recommend and may take years for the body to fully unwind.
Most people have accumulated many injuries over their lives that misalign bones. These injuries layer upon each other and make your body collapse forward.

These layers of injury can cause very complicated symptoms with many layers of emotions and bones out of place as the hidden root of the problem. As your body is being corrected, all associated symptoms are no longer present.

Do you work with children and or animals?

Yes, I work with babies, children and fur-babies.

“I was fortunate to meet Kim on a spiritual hiatus in Peru. I heard about the miraculous work she did with humans & thought it might work with horses. I have a horse with kissing spine and keeping him sound is a challenge. Kim is tuned into my horses. The difference in their carriage and demeanor is astounding! They are competition horses and this energy work will be part of their care as we move forward. Thank you, Kim!”

– Valerie Levin

More on Advanced BioStructural Correction (ABC™)

“All of my life (until now) I’ve lived with chronic back and neck pain. I’ve been to chiropractors, structural integration, massage therapists, acupuncturists, and physical therapists – mostly with minor or temporary improvements.

Then I met Kim, the Bone Architect. Hallelujah! Over a two year period, Kim’s techniques and energy work restructured my back and today I have NO MORE CHRONIC BODY PAIN. It’s incredible to me that I lived in that kind of pain and discomfort before.”

– Kenlyn

Human and Fur Baby Packages

Twenty sessions is the minimum number of treatments I recommend and may take years for the body to fully unwind.

Most people have accumulated many injuries over their lives that misalign bones. These injuries layer upon each other and make your body collapse forward.

These layers of injury can cause very complicated symptoms with many layers of emotions and bones out of place as the hidden root of the problem.

As your body is being corrected, all associated symptoms are no longer present.

All appointments are done over the phone.

Initial Appointment

I will give you the space to tell me what is going on currently and we will assess your current posture. We will then launch into the healing and begin restoring your divine blueprint.

$333 – 60 minute session with a 25 minute followup

Sacred Body Temple Collective Healing

Heal together.

Create your personal collective healing with family members, friends and fur babies.

The more people you bring in, the lower the cost per person.



Ideal for the person who wants a tuneup or for the person who has graduated to maintenance. Initial appointment is a prerequisite.

$144 – 25 minute session

Sacred Body Temple Packages

$1,244 – includes 10 followup sessions at 25 minutes each
Initial appointment is a prerequisite

      $2,222 – includes 20 followup sessions at 25 minutes each
      Initial appointment is a prerequisite

        Payment plans are available upon request.

        “It’s not a stretch to say that Kim is a miracle worker!”


        – Janet Raftis, Co-Founder, Kairos Healers Academy

        “Working with Kim has been such a blessing for my body! She has supported me in unwinding compensation patterns within my body that have caused me to feel constant discomfort in my shoulders and lower back for over two decades.

        Her work, both in-person and remote, is incredibly powerful and her capacity to shift my bones around in such a way that I experience immediate relief is profound.

        With each session, my body feels a little lighter, straighter and happier.

        Kim has also supported me in setting my life up in a way that is better suited to the maintenance of a happy body and she has guided me in proper posture and footwear.

        It’s not a stretch to say that Kim is a miracle worker! I and my body are so grateful to have found her.”

        – Janet Raftis, Co-Founder, Kairos Healer Academy

        Contact Kim

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